How do one keep oneself stable with all the running around one must do?!?! Stress Relief, and a few moments to unwind! Its called indulgence in moderation!
I have been doing a fantastic job at keeping up my gym routine. I managed to figure out a decent schedule where I can get where I want, to do what I want and reach the goal I have made for myself, and using it as a place to de-stress and unwind. But that isn't always enough. Drinking Fruit & Vegetable Juice for most meals a day is not the way to live. So tomorrow I tend to indulge a bit. I am going to go out and abuse the Restaurant week deals at Ruth's Chris Steak House here in providence. A yummy steak dinner with a couple friends, then its off to movie night for laughs, thrills, chills, and maybe some slasher moments! Its these nights I love the most. Some good friends, no worries, and a bucket of pop corn!
I feel like more people need to do more simple plans with friends. Hitting the bars and clubs every night you have off just isn't the way to go in my mind. Finding out what makes your friends laugh, cry, cringe, or even shit their pants is so much more worth it to me. A friend of mine recently showed me this through his little movie nights he has been hosting almost nonstop since the early 90's.
So get your friends together, do a game night, a movie night, a low-key evening something, but make sure you do one thing no matter what you choose to do....TALK, watch movies you already know and Love some nights and just get to know your friends, you even might learn something about yourself.
Maybe you can make it on a
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